Thursday, February 27, 2014

Fantastic and Free Computer Game: Sum Add

Here is a quick and easy game to use with your students to practice addition facts to 20.  It is called Sum Sense and is easy to use and pushes your students' thinking to create an entire equation out of given numbers.  I have used this in grades 1 and 2 and can also see it being used at the beginning of grade 3.

Take a look at what it has to offer:
The home screen lets you set a goal.  I love this because I can change it to make my students feel successful regardless of their current level.  

Students are presented with 3 or 4 cards and have to arrange them to make a true equation.

Here 4 cards were given

This student has all but one card placed!

A simple screen when the goal is reached!

Here are some other free and fun computer games that are great for grades 1 and 2


  1. Thanks for sharing that app. I really like the looks of it!

    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs
    (I'm having mini clipart giveaway on my design blog, in case you're interested:))

  2. Replies
    1. I am finding so many good ones recently, I am trying to keep them all organized.

  3. This game is awesome. I used it a couple of years ago with my class. Recently I used it when I supported a small group in a classroom. Thanks for sharing as this is an excellent resource! It really makes students think about addition in another way.

    1. I love how it isn't just fill in the answer. It really does make kids think about the properties of addition.

  4. Great post! I hope you will share more with us. Thank you!
    Pogo Help
