The format of this book is short chapters based around a quote. There are 50 chapters but they are quite short, around 300 words on average. They can be read in any order and are great short pieces that helped me reflect on my practice and think about what is next for me. I read the first half of the book in one sitting and then decided to slow down a bit and read a little each day. I also did something the author says she does herself and began a journal collecting quotes and ideas from my professional reading. I had this beautiful journal laying around waiting to be used and I have to say it is so nice to have all my thoughts about my professional reading collected in one place instead of on sticky notes all over the place.
Here are a few quotes from the book that I found memorable along with my own reflection on them.
From Chapter 26. Slow Down to Speed Up
"Being deliberate and explicit about the smallest of details is essential. If my students don't know what I expect of them, come January they are certainly not to blame when things are not going as planned. It takes a considerable amount of time, patience, and energy to be deliberate in those first several weeks though, especially when curriculum is impatiently piling up. Rushing into the academic fray too early without a sure foundation could sabotage everything. "Slow down to speed up" is my mantra"
This chapter really resonated with me because when I read it in early November, I was just begging to feel like I was getting out of the back to school rush. Some years that busy back to school time seems to go on longer than others and this year was certainly one of those years. In the moment, it can feel painfully slow and almost agonizing to make sure classroom routines and procedures are set up properly, but it is always worth it in the end. Thinking about the idea of slowing down to speed up is a great way to frame it and remind myself that the speed will come later.
From Chapter 28: Grace
"I often envision the teaching profession as a path without end. It's occupied by teachers but all at different points. They're all moving but at varying paces. Then I spot myself. It's plain to see how far I've come, and I can identify many teachers who are currently where I once was. They deserve my grace. I can also look ahead to where I'd like to be and see many teachers occupying that space. I hope they show me grace as well."
This quote really made me look at other teachers in my building and in the world in general that I know and to think about where they are along this path in relation to myself. I have so many things I want to accomplish still as an educator and it can often seem like I have so far to go. However, when I look back to where I came from, I see an equally overwhelming amount that I have already accomplished. It is so helpful to me to think about my teaching career as this path without an end. It makes me proud of what I have accomplished and hopeful for my future.
From Chapter 42: The 3 R's of Teaching
"Simply put, reading + risking + reflecting = meaningful change. I suppose we could call them the 3 R's of teaching. Is this equation evident in our schools, or, better yet, in our own classrooms?"
Doing a lot of professional reading has been a great way for me to make meaningful changes in my classroom. Some of the biggest shifts in my practice including formative assessment and number talks came from reading about them, trying them out and reflecting on how well they worked. I can't emphasis enough how much reading about teaching and trying new ideas has moved me forward as an educator. I know that not all teachers have made room in their days for this type of professional reading and I have been thinking about ways to help them increase the reading they do. One thing is sending shorter, blog post length links to them. Another idea is sharing podcasts I enjoy or encouraging teachers to sign up for a free trial of Audible. There are quite a few good general education books available in audio format now.
Gatekeepers was an inspirational read and would make a great holiday gift for your favorite educator.
Thank you so much for honoring my book here on your blog. It means a lot that you would share it with your readers. I hope someone here finds it useful! Tammy