I am so excited that you are joining me on this journey to learn more about teaching fractions. I know many folks are participating by following along. Even if you are not caught up on the reading, please feel free to comment and share your own experiences with teaching fractions.
The posting schedule for Beyond Pizzas & Pies (all Wednesdays)
June 10th Chapters 1&2
June 17th Chapters 3&4
June 24th Chapters 5&6
July 1st Chapters 7&8
Chapter 3: Understanding Equivalency
I am blown away by the video clips in this chapter and the entire lesson on measuring with Cuisenaire Rods. I spend a lot of time on equivalency using area models and a number line but this lesson seems like a great way to bridge the two. This lesson is simple and easy to replicate but seems like a brilliant way to look at equivalency and to move from an area model to a linear or number line model. The follow up lesson where the rods are used on the number line also looks very effective. These two lessons will definitely be a part of my students' work on equivalency next year.
Fraction Kits: Friend or Foe?
I love the subtitle of this chapter. I have a love/hate relationship with fraction kits. When I first started transitioning to using more manipulatives and visual models, I thought fraction kits were the best thing ever. Then I realized many of my students were using their fraction kits like calculators. Something that was meant to be used as a tool to move them toward conceptual understanding was now being used as the only strategy they had for solving problems. Since then I have been on a quest to find the right balance between hands on experiences and helping kids to develop mental models and conceptual understanding.
Based on this reading and my own experiences, I think fraction kits still have a place and I will be keeping my making fraction strips lesson in third grade. However, I will be adding the lessons in the book using Cuisenaire Rods and will continue to think about how to make sure students are not using fraction kits as calculators.
I leave you with this quote from the end of the chapter:
What are your experiences with fraction kits? How about teaching equivalency? Let us know in the comments below!
Join us next week as we look at the importance of context in identifying the unit and making sense of fraction and decimal notation. Be the first to see new posts by following my blog (look in the upper right hand hand column for ways to follow me) or my Facebook page.
Another great post! Watching the video and reading your posts makes me long to go back to third and fifth grade just to explore fractions in these ways! I agree with you as far as fraction kits go. I think with any tool, there is the danger of students becoming too dependent on the tool. I think the variety of tools that were used in the video--number lines, pattern blocks, rods, and fraction kits help students understand fraction in different contexts. Ok---I must order this book!
I love exploring fractions with third and fourth graders! Those are 2 of my favorite grades to teach partly because of how much fun we have with fractions. I like your point about using a variety of tools.
DeleteI don't have the kids create fraction kits, we use the fraction pieces I bought. I worry like Sarah about the kids dependency on them. But reading this book and thinking about equivalency I can see the connection betw even using the rods and the fraction kits. To teach equivalents, we fold paper...in half and color one half, then fold it again, an talk about how 2/4 is now colored and so on. I write the fractions on the board as we fold and I have the kids make connections to the patterns created with the fractions.
It is so interesting how many different options are out there for fraction pieces and fraction kits. If only having the right fraction pieces would make us super teachers, we would be set. It is so great to examine what we are doing and why we do it. Thanks for participating!
DeleteLove this post! I have my kids make fractions kits from strips of construction paper, seems to help, and while they refer to them with fraction problems, they slowing use them less and less.
ReplyDeleteSounds like your students are doing a great job transitioning from a physical model to a mental one!
DeleteI think I may have to find this book! One of our classes is having a great deal of trouble with multiple models of fractions. I love what you wrote about the research with the Cuisinair rods. Very interesting!